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Teacher Recruitment

With over 17 years of experience in teacher recruitment, and over 300 teachers successfully placed, Success for Schools can offer full support with your recruiting needs. 

Success Teaching

Peter's secret to success has been his approach to teaching. It is what led to the large and rapid growth in student enrollment in the schools Peter has worked with. Bringing together student empowerment, teacher empowerment, high levels of engagement, community classroom management, and tons of fun and laughter, learn the Success Teaching framework and bring success to your classrooms. 

Community Building

Building a positive, supportive, and engaged community of parents, teachers, and students is crucial to the success of a school. Success for Schools can provide clear guidance, strategies, and activities to achieve a happy and successful school community. 

School Individualization

Success for Schools specializes in identifying and highlighting what makes your school unique to effectively attract more students and teachers. 

Student Recruitment

Success for Schools has a strong track record of large scale growth in student enrollment. We can provide a clear plan and continued support in recruiting more students to your school. 

Success Leadership

Success for Schools recognizes the research that effective school leadership is second only to classroom instruction for its positive impact on student achievement. We offer training, coaching, and support for all school leaders. By combining compassionate leadership practices with clear goals and strong cultural awareness, we can help you achieve success in leadership.   

Ideation and Design Thinking

Success for Schools can provide innovative ideas for your school, develop a plan to make them a reality, and support their implementation throughout every step of the process.



Strategic Planning 

Success for Schools can create and implement strategic plans that target growth and development for any area in your school.

Student Recruit
Idea and design
Compasionate Leadership
Success Teaching
Strat planning
Com Build
School indv

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